Green Terms

Climate change, biodiversity loss, environmental protection, renewable energy, and greenhouse gases: we live in a world where we hear about them almost every day now. These and similar issues are closely related to the dimensions of sustainable development, which consist of economic, environmental, social and governmental topics. Sustainability has an ever-expanding scope — it is inherently dynamic. Sustainability concepts are now high on the agenda of many states, companies, investors, and establishments. It has become a priority for the manufacturing / exporting business world in our country in particular to follow the developments closely with the sustainability policy tools and sustainability dimensions, to know the related concepts and to adapt to the developments in this field.

As Turkish Machinery Exporters’ Association (Turkish Machinery), we have prepared this glossary to help clarify the concepts of sustainability and green transformation, support businesses’ sustainability strategies, and guide them throughout the process. Our Glossary includes key terms, which might be helpful for companies and individuals alike, from a range of international sources accompanied by their descriptions, explanations, and associated concepts in Turkish, English, and German. We will be updating the Glossary with new terms regularly/periodically.

The Green Glossary is complementary to the Digital Glossary we prepared and launched in 2021 on Digital Glossary. It is an “example of sustainability” given its scope, methodology, and dynamic trilingual system that always has room for improvement.
Machinery Exporters Association logo
The Machinery Exporters' Association extends the industry’s global reach even further by doing international promotions and participating in fairs and trade missions. Developing industry-specific collaborations on international platforms, the association also offers crucial networking opportunities for member companies and strives to create greater brand awareness with their operations.

Green Glossary
Concepts, Equivalents, Relationships, Meaning